Top 8 Reasons To Get Started on Your Fitness Today… and NOT January 1st!

Each month as we approach the New Year, people will delay starting a needed fitness program due to the upcoming holidays and the feeling of a fresh start.  As my time as a Physical Therapist and Personal Trainer… I have heard this many times.  But overall, this is normal.  We all search for a start point, a fresh beginning, and a jump-off point.  New Years Day has always seemed like a natural progression.   Overall there is some missed logic as we know each day we miss is an opportunity to get started.  

I often hear from patients or future clients.  I don't have time to get started right now…once my life settles down, I'll get started… I'm too busy at work… once my kids are in school…  Have we heard these before or maybe even said them?  The difference is not the time… but the priority.  Let me explain. 

Each day we fill up our day with tasks, behaviors, and habits we justify as needed.  We progress through our days while placing many jobs before our health and explain this as required.  The misconception is the thought in the future; we will have more time.  Once things "settle down," we will be able to commit time.  But what will be different today than in the future?  

What can you expect from a fitness program?  Hours in the gym, meal preparations, schedules, and tracking?  Nope!  A fitness program consists of a program that meets your lifestyle and your goals!  You build it for your life.  If you like to walk… it is walking. If you want to run… it is running.  If you like to lift…it is lifting.  The key is not what you do… but the time and consistency of the program.  

The Key is Making it a HABIT.  

One of the key tenants of our Virtual Personal Training Program is in the habit.  Our first six-week onboarding progress is only about consistency and habit.  We call this activity over accomplishment.  

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FREE TIPS REPORT on How to Start a New Fitness Plan with a Busy Lifestyle

—-> CLICK HERE FOR: 7 Ways to Start A Fitness Program WITH a Busy Lifestyle!”

Today let's look at 8 Reasons Not to Wait Until New Year to Start Your Fitness Program.   

  1. Reduce Stress:  Stress is a common area in American life. We fill up our days with activities, To-Do lists, and work.  We tend to add more and more to our lives with extra time and then supplement with stimulants (caffeine) to keep us going.  But exercise overall, and a fitness program can reduce stress.  Exercise produces a natural boost in neurotransmitters creating improvement in mood altogether.  Plus, making exercise a habit and planning your day creates consistency and predictability: two critical areas for stress reduction.

  2. Improve Energy:  Even though a fitness program requires you to use more energy… this makes your body systems more efficient overall. The result… more energy overall for daily tasks.   Plus, your metabolism will start to become more efficient, thus working for you during your daily tasks (work, shopping, home chores).  Save your most pressing tasks for after your workout will boost your productivity as well. 

  3. Increase Self Esteem:  Remember the neurotransmitters we talked about improving mood.  These, too, help boost your mood and self-esteem.  Each time you complete your fitness program, there is a sense of self-satisfaction.  Over time, your confidence and self-esteem grow just like a muscle. 

  4. Increased mobility:  Exercise and fitness programs are proven to reduce body mass, adipose tissue, and weight.  What occurs with a reduction in body mass… improved mobility.  Bending, squatting, reaching, carrying, or lifting becomes more manageable with a more efficient system.  

  5. Better Relationships:  One of the best ways to improve your relationships is to enhance yourself.  Learning or improving your mental, physical, spiritual, or emotional health allows you to have better relationships with the people around you.  If you are happy with yourself… your tolerance for others will be much better. 

  6. Increased mental stability:  After exercise, the blood profusion to the tissues of the body increases, endorphins are raised, and neurotransmitters are increased.  When you have a complex mental task to complete (homework, work paperwork, calculations)  after exercise is your best time, the brain will be much quicker in processing as a result.  Exercise also helps to boost memory. 

  7. Be more efficient: Creating consistency in your day with structured workout times and days will allow you to plan accordingly.  As your fitness improves, your body will become more efficient for activity, and your organization will also improve. 

  8. Be Happier:  Exercise has a long history of demonstrating improvement in happiness when completed regularly.  Endorphin release, neurotransmitter boost, and an overall sense of self-satisfaction help people who exercise have improved mood.  An improved mood from regular exercise helps your overall happiness levels.  

Overall, we need not wait to start a fitness program.  Each day you commit to the process of a fitness program, you become more efficient, improve your body systems and become more confident.  Plus, if you add the guidance of a trained professional… you will also achieve the process quicker due to the accountability and advice given.  

Don't wait until a "Fresh Start" to get your program going.  There is never a wrong time to start doing the right thing!

Keep Moving!


  • The author, Rob Sumner, is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and owner of Sumner Specialized Physical Therapy. He's happy to answer any questions about this article, wellness, fitness, or physical therapy overall by phone at (509) 684-5621 or by email at

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