5 Ways To Have A Healthy And Happy Winter

It’s still winter, and you might hate it! 

It can be ‘too cold,’ ‘too dark,’ you can feel a bit low and blue, stressed out and worn down. 

And with the colder weather, some people can come a few health concerns and challenges during the winter months. 

But even though it may be gloomy outside, your outlook doesn’t have to be!

It’s not uncommon this time of year to feel a case of the “winter blues” – sometimes known as SAD, seasonal affective disorder (a more serious side to the winter blues). 

At one end of the extreme are people with SAD. They tend to struggle during the short dark days of winter, sometimes to the degree where they don’t want to get out of the house. 

At the other end are those who wake up cheerfully, rain or shine. 

And in-between are those with the winter blues. They manage with difficulty during the dark days and are less joyful, productive, and creative than usual but still get out of the house. 

So what’s the real difference between SAD and the winter blues? The degree of dysfunction is critical. 

People with SAD suffer setbacks as they withdraw from friends and loved ones and are significantly unhappier. People with the winter blues tend to manage life’s basic demands only with a bit of difficulty and not much motivation. 

But these two groups are by no means ultimately divided. 

Pile the stress on someone with the winter blues (longer work hours, tighter deadlines, a poor performance rating) and – hey presto! – the winter blues can turn into SAD. 

Or a person with SAD who retires – who can therefore sleep in and take it easy – may feel better, with just a mild case of the winter blues. 

In other words, seasonal vulnerability varies from person to person and from one situation to another. 


The good news is, whether you have SAD or the winter blues, it is possible to live an active and full life all year round – Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn! So this is what I want to share with you today... 


Here are 5 ways you can catch feeling a bit low early and enjoy a healthy, happy winter: 


1.   Recognize The Problem 

Early signs can be minor: low energy, feeling tired, wanting to sleep more, craving sugar, and lacking motivation are all classic symptoms. 

Spot these signs early on, and you have a good chance of knocking them on the head, quick! 

 2.   Get More Light 

Your body produces Vitamin D – which helps regulate your mood. So whenever you see some sun rays outside, go for a walk on a bright winter morning! Bring more light into your home, open your curtains, and have bright lighting by your bedside table. Better, get yourself one of those bedside lamps that gradually get brighter so you wake up naturally and refreshed. 

 3. Move Daily 

I know exercise is easier said than done sometimes, especially when you don’t want to leave your toasty bed, but there are plenty of things you can do without putting your gym outfit on. 

Regular exercise releases your feel-good hormones and leaves you feeling energized for the day. 

Take a walk in the park, go for a morning bike ride, walk to the shops instead of drive... those are just a few of the things you can do to get more active. 

4. Relax! 

Winter can be a stressful time of year. Be kind to your body, do something like taking a warm bath; it’ll allow your body to relax deeply and feel warm. 

Sometimes a bit of ‘me time’ is all we need. 

 5. Listen To Upbeat Music 

I have always thought of music as food for the soul. An upbeat tune can change an atmosphere instantly and create a positive vibe. Put your favorite upbeat songs on, and your mood will lift! 

There you have it! 5 ways to have a happy, healthy winter. Don’t let the blues get you down. 

To discover more secrets to forming healthy habits and living an active life free from painkillers, ask about the weekly 4% Wellness Club.

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